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A coach is one who inspires, trains and properly aligns people's strengths with team strategies. Inspired by techniques used in team sports, coaches are now utilized in postmodern business and organization applications such as team-building and change management. Capitalizing on the effective dynamics of coaching, churches and other community based nonprofits now use spiritual and organizational coaches in church transformation. MDM provides pastors and community leaders with 'step-by-step' techniques to start the journey through organizational transformation. Coaching can be accomplished through speaking engagements, phone/web conferences, email or small group seminars.


Management & Technical Assistance

A church growth or organizational consultant is like a spiritual development architect--one who helps you decide what you need to build, then formulates "spiritual blueprints" or road maps for the project. There are seasons in ministry development when churches and community organizations need objective counsel from an outside source who holds specific expertise. As consultants we provide management and technical assistance to pastors and nonprofit leaders desiring to develop their own customized plan for progress, growth, and transformation. This can be accomplished through on-site visits with ministry and community leaders, church profile analyses, strategic planning retreats, program development, monitoring and evaluation.

Focus areas for consulting include:

a. New 'need-based' community and/or ministry initiatives

b. Church finance (new construction, ministry expansion)

c. Fund Development (grant research, grant writing and grants management)

d. Transformation (ministry and/or nonprofit reorganization)

e. Program management, monitoring and evaluation

We can also support your organization in the following areas: leadership training and development; organizational management; strategic planning; church growth strategies; mission budget planning and process; updated community outreach planning; community ministry start-up; effective communications (including Internet marketing); technology development; grant research, development and writing.


Web Conferences, Seminars, and Workshops

In order to keep pace with accelerated and advanced tools in Internet communications technology (such as social networking), new educational paradigms are helping Christians grow in knowledge and understanding of effective ministry designs. We can provide online instruction via web conferencing, conference calls, online communications, and/or customized options to minimize expense associated with travel and budget constraints. If resources are available, we can also help facilitate regional on-site conferences to attract a larger spectrum of ministry leadership.


Resource Development

MDM provides 'quick start guides', organizational charts, practical worksheets and forms, reference articles and weblinks to jump start your organization for mission-driven ministry. To assist in financing new or emerging ministry initiatives, we offer fund development workshops that cover grant research, development and grant writing (for MDM members only).


Community Linking

A mission-driven church will be able to identify and meet community needs in an ongoing holistic manner. MDM can help both churches and communities "connect" in a broad-based synergistic approach. We help facilitate the building of relational synergy among ministry leaders and community coalitions and collaboratives to achieve city/regional outreach strategies.